POST api/PriceListsController/getDoctorPayReport
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
pCritReportForDoctorsName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Level | integer |
None. |
Department | integer |
None. |
Occupation | integer |
None. |
FromDateSign | date |
None. |
ToDateSign | date |
None. |
fromOper | integer |
None. |
toOper | integer |
None. |
addition | boolean |
None. |
isRibit | boolean |
None. |
around | boolean |
None. |
noPayFor0 | boolean |
None. |
paybiggest0 | boolean |
None. |
present | boolean |
None. |
bySign | boolean |
None. |
OccupationCode | integer |
None. |
Branches | Collection of integer |
None. |
InsureCode | integer |
None. |
Opers | Collection of integer |
None. |
DistrictCode | integer |
None. |
GroupCode | integer |
None. |
FromDate | date |
None. |
ToDate | date |
None. |
EmpCode | integer |
None. |
onlyWithCert | boolean |
None. |
paymentForVisit | boolean |
None. |
service_code | integer |
None. |
pay_status | integer |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Level": 1, "Department": 2, "Occupation": 3, "FromDateSign": "2025-01-18T06:51:53.8510441+02:00", "ToDateSign": "2025-01-18T06:51:53.8510441+02:00", "fromOper": 6, "toOper": 7, "addition": true, "isRibit": true, "around": true, "noPayFor0": true, "paybiggest0": true, "present": true, "bySign": true, "OccupationCode": 15, "Branches": [ 1, 1 ], "InsureCode": 16, "Opers": [ 1, 2 ], "DistrictCode": 17, "GroupCode": 18, "FromDate": "2025-01-18T06:51:53.8666707+02:00", "ToDate": "2025-01-18T06:51:53.8666707+02:00", "EmpCode": 21, "onlyWithCert": true, "paymentForVisit": true, "service_code": 22, "pay_status": 23 }
application/xml, text/xml
<pCritReportForDoctors xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Branches xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:int>1</d2p1:int> <d2p1:int>1</d2p1:int> </Branches> <DistrictCode>17</DistrictCode> <EmpCode>21</EmpCode> <FromDate>2025-01-18T06:51:53.8666707+02:00</FromDate> <GroupCode>18</GroupCode> <InsureCode>16</InsureCode> <OccupationCode>15</OccupationCode> <Opers xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:int>1</d2p1:int> <d2p1:int>2</d2p1:int> </Opers> <ToDate>2025-01-18T06:51:53.8666707+02:00</ToDate> <onlyWithCert>true</onlyWithCert> <pay_status>23</pay_status> <paymentForVisit>true</paymentForVisit> <service_code>22</service_code> <Department>2</Department> <FromDateSign>2025-01-18T06:51:53.8510441+02:00</FromDateSign> <Level>1</Level> <Occupation>3</Occupation> <ToDateSign>2025-01-18T06:51:53.8510441+02:00</ToDateSign> <addition>true</addition> <around>true</around> <bySign>true</bySign> <fromOper>6</fromOper> <isRibit>true</isRibit> <noPayFor0>true</noPayFor0> <paybiggest0>true</paybiggest0> <present>true</present> <toOper>7</toOper> </pCritReportForDoctors>
Binary JSON content. See for details.
Response Information
Resource Description
Collection of DoctorPayName | Description | Type | Additional information |
cust_num | integer |
None. |
last_name | string |
None. |
first_name | string |
None. |
date_actual | date |
None. |
opername | string |
None. |
occup_function | integer |
None. |
single | boolean |
None. |
level | integer |
None. |
present | string |
None. |
c_price | decimal number |
None. |
c_second | string |
None. |
c_rama | string |
None. |
oper_grouprepnum | integer |
None. |
insurname | string |
None. |
groups_name | string |
None. |
groups_num | integer |
None. |
expire_d | date |
None. |
payments | integer |
None. |
c_rem | string |
None. |
c_from_date | date |
None. |
c_to_date | date |
None. |
c_need_dictated | string |
None. |
oper_user_code | integer |
None. |
branch_code | integer |
None. |
code | integer |
None. |
insur_code | integer |
None. |
district_code | integer |
None. |
oper_code | integer |
None. |
firstdebit | integer |
None. |
line_code | integer |
None. |
price | decimal number |
None. |
quantity | integer |
None. |
vat | decimal number |
None. |
pays | integer |
None. |
price_group_code | integer |
None. |
form_num | integer |
None. |
staff_code | integer |
None. |
form_code | integer |
None. |
empl_code | integer |
None. |
signature_date | date |
None. |
helper | string |
None. |
pay_by_session | string |
None. |
licence | string |
None. |
nickname | string |
None. |
priceWithVat | integer |
None. |
tax | decimal number |
None. |
dealer | string |
None. |
offset_commision | string |
None. |
sum | decimal number |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
[ { "cust_num": 1, "last_name": "sample string 2", "first_name": "sample string 3", "date_actual": "2025-01-18T06:51:53.8666707+02:00", "opername": "sample string 5", "occup_function": 1, "single": true, "level": 7, "present": "sample string 8", "c_price": 9.1, "c_second": "sample string 10", "c_rama": "sample string 11", "oper_grouprepnum": 1, "insurname": "sample string 12", "groups_name": "sample string 13", "groups_num": 14, "expire_d": "2025-01-18T06:51:53.8822954+02:00", "payments": 15, "c_rem": "sample string 16", "c_from_date": "2025-01-18T06:51:53.8822954+02:00", "c_to_date": "2025-01-18T06:51:53.8822954+02:00", "c_need_dictated": "sample string 19", "oper_user_code": 20, "branch_code": 1, "code": 21, "insur_code": 22, "district_code": 1, "oper_code": 23, "firstdebit": 1, "line_code": 24, "price": 1.0, "quantity": 1, "vat": 1.0, "pays": 1, "price_group_code": 1, "form_num": 25, "staff_code": 26, "form_code": 27, "empl_code": 28, "signature_date": "2025-01-18T06:51:53.8822954+02:00", "helper": "sample string 29", "pay_by_session": "sample string 30", "licence": "sample string 31", "nickname": "sample string 32", "priceWithVat": 33, "tax": 1.0, "dealer": "sample string 34", "offset_commision": "sample string 35", "sum": 1.0 }, { "cust_num": 1, "last_name": "sample string 2", "first_name": "sample string 3", "date_actual": "2025-01-18T06:51:53.8666707+02:00", "opername": "sample string 5", "occup_function": 1, "single": true, "level": 7, "present": "sample string 8", "c_price": 9.1, "c_second": "sample string 10", "c_rama": "sample string 11", "oper_grouprepnum": 1, "insurname": "sample string 12", "groups_name": "sample string 13", "groups_num": 14, "expire_d": "2025-01-18T06:51:53.8822954+02:00", "payments": 15, "c_rem": "sample string 16", "c_from_date": "2025-01-18T06:51:53.8822954+02:00", "c_to_date": "2025-01-18T06:51:53.8822954+02:00", "c_need_dictated": "sample string 19", "oper_user_code": 20, "branch_code": 1, "code": 21, "insur_code": 22, "district_code": 1, "oper_code": 23, "firstdebit": 1, "line_code": 24, "price": 1.0, "quantity": 1, "vat": 1.0, "pays": 1, "price_group_code": 1, "form_num": 25, "staff_code": 26, "form_code": 27, "empl_code": 28, "signature_date": "2025-01-18T06:51:53.8822954+02:00", "helper": "sample string 29", "pay_by_session": "sample string 30", "licence": "sample string 31", "nickname": "sample string 32", "priceWithVat": 33, "tax": 1.0, "dealer": "sample string 34", "offset_commision": "sample string 35", "sum": 1.0 } ]
application/xml, text/xml
<ArrayOfSimpleStaffPriceListBL.DoctorPay xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <SimpleStaffPriceListBL.DoctorPay> <branch_code>1</branch_code> <c_from_date>2025-01-18T06:51:53.8822954+02:00</c_from_date> <c_need_dictated>sample string 19</c_need_dictated> <c_price>9.1</c_price> <c_rama>sample string 11</c_rama> <c_rem>sample string 16</c_rem> <c_second>sample string 10</c_second> <c_to_date>2025-01-18T06:51:53.8822954+02:00</c_to_date> <code>21</code> <cust_num>1</cust_num> <date_actual>2025-01-18T06:51:53.8666707+02:00</date_actual> <dealer>sample string 34</dealer> <district_code>1</district_code> <empl_code>28</empl_code> <expire_d>2025-01-18T06:51:53.8822954+02:00</expire_d> <first_name>sample string 3</first_name> <firstdebit>1</firstdebit> <form_code>27</form_code> <form_num>25</form_num> <groups_name>sample string 13</groups_name> <groups_num>14</groups_num> <helper>sample string 29</helper> <insur_code>22</insur_code> <insurname>sample string 12</insurname> <last_name>sample string 2</last_name> <level>7</level> <licence>sample string 31</licence> <line_code>24</line_code> <nickname>sample string 32</nickname> <occup_function>1</occup_function> <offset_commision>sample string 35</offset_commision> <oper_code>23</oper_code> <oper_grouprepnum>1</oper_grouprepnum> <oper_user_code>20</oper_user_code> <opername>sample string 5</opername> <pay_by_session>sample string 30</pay_by_session> <payments>15</payments> <pays>1</pays> <present>sample string 8</present> <price>1</price> <priceWithVat>33</priceWithVat> <price_group_code>1</price_group_code> <quantity>1</quantity> <signature_date>2025-01-18T06:51:53.8822954+02:00</signature_date> <single>true</single> <staff_code>26</staff_code> <sum>1</sum> <tax>1</tax> <vat>1</vat> </SimpleStaffPriceListBL.DoctorPay> <SimpleStaffPriceListBL.DoctorPay> <branch_code>1</branch_code> <c_from_date>2025-01-18T06:51:53.8822954+02:00</c_from_date> <c_need_dictated>sample string 19</c_need_dictated> <c_price>9.1</c_price> <c_rama>sample string 11</c_rama> <c_rem>sample string 16</c_rem> <c_second>sample string 10</c_second> <c_to_date>2025-01-18T06:51:53.8822954+02:00</c_to_date> <code>21</code> <cust_num>1</cust_num> <date_actual>2025-01-18T06:51:53.8666707+02:00</date_actual> <dealer>sample string 34</dealer> <district_code>1</district_code> <empl_code>28</empl_code> <expire_d>2025-01-18T06:51:53.8822954+02:00</expire_d> <first_name>sample string 3</first_name> <firstdebit>1</firstdebit> <form_code>27</form_code> <form_num>25</form_num> <groups_name>sample string 13</groups_name> <groups_num>14</groups_num> <helper>sample string 29</helper> <insur_code>22</insur_code> <insurname>sample string 12</insurname> <last_name>sample string 2</last_name> <level>7</level> <licence>sample string 31</licence> <line_code>24</line_code> <nickname>sample string 32</nickname> <occup_function>1</occup_function> <offset_commision>sample string 35</offset_commision> <oper_code>23</oper_code> <oper_grouprepnum>1</oper_grouprepnum> <oper_user_code>20</oper_user_code> <opername>sample string 5</opername> <pay_by_session>sample string 30</pay_by_session> <payments>15</payments> <pays>1</pays> <present>sample string 8</present> <price>1</price> <priceWithVat>33</priceWithVat> <price_group_code>1</price_group_code> <quantity>1</quantity> <signature_date>2025-01-18T06:51:53.8822954+02:00</signature_date> <single>true</single> <staff_code>26</staff_code> <sum>1</sum> <tax>1</tax> <vat>1</vat> </SimpleStaffPriceListBL.DoctorPay> </ArrayOfSimpleStaffPriceListBL.DoctorPay>
Binary JSON content. See for details.